Berlin - Yogyakarta Exhibition

Zdjęcie nagłówkowe otwierające podstronę: Berlin - Yogyakarta Exhibition

The Intercultural Pedagogy Research Group invites you to the exhibition Berlin-Yogyakarta, which is held in the Student Activity Centre (SCK) on 13 - 24 April 2015.

The exhibition is a part of the Campaign Against Homophobia project Berlin-Yogyakarta whose aim is to present the history of persecution of gay, bisexual and transgender people by the Nazi regime in Europe and to underline that human rights are inalienable to all people, non-heterosexual including.

The monstrous violation of human rights during the Second World War resulted in issuing a number of documents and declarations stressing the importance of observing human rights, i.a. the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Yogyakarta Principles.

The Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity were developed in Yogyakarta in 2006 by the International Commission of Jurists, a nongovernmental organisation found 50 years ago in Berlin. The declaration sets international standards of applying human rights according to sexual orientation and gender identity.

The title of the exhibition consists of names of two cities from two different continents, highlighting a global scale of exclusion in the context of human rights. The contemporary part of the exhibition is linked to Yogyakarta and the historical part refers to Berlin.  The exhibition shows the origins and achievements of the movement for emancipation of non-heterosexual people.

 The exhibition has already been presented in a number of places:

  • Council of Europe in Strasburg, France
  • places of remembrance: Terezi and Dachau, Germany
  • Town Hall in Vienna, Austria
  • Warsaw University Library in Warsaw, Poland
  • Gdańsk University and Łódź University, Poland
  • schools in Warsaw, Poland
  • Theatre in Dusseldorf, Germany
  • Gallery of Open Society Institute in Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Jewish Cultural Centre in Cracow, Poland